The Tower card is about sudden abrupt change that is thrust upon us. It's old forms collapsing around us in order to rebuild something new and better in it's place. It's a bit of a crisis card where in the structure of our foundations has been shattered and things seem to be falling apart for us. The changes are sudden and unexpected, like a bolt from outta the blue we find ourselves in utter shock of what is happening around us.
It brings with it a sense of an awakening. Sometimes a truth is revealed which can result in us wondering how we could have been so wrong or not seen this coming? It's a time of great turmoil as we try to come to terms with some type of a loss,whether is be in the area of relationships,(divorce) loss of a job, failed marriages, bankruptcy, financial failure or even death of a loved one that brings our world tumbling down in utter chaos. We feel fearful, shaken and in disbelief of what's happening around us. The Tower brings great changes however a bad situation will eventually be replaced by a new and better one. The changes are necessary to our spiritual growth so sometimes when we are unable to take the steps that are needed in our lives to progress forward, then life will force the tower upon us and drag us kicking and screaming all the way, so that we can come through what ever it is and come out the other side and be in a much better place both emotionally, physically and spiritually speaking. How we handle the birthing process of the tower card is dependant on our attitudes. It can be painful or it can be easy. It's important to try not to resist the changes that are upon us. We must be patient with ourselves and not buck the process if wish to make the whole thing much easier on ourselves.
Reversed- we still see changes however they may not be as big as the changes we would see in the upright position. The crisis is less severe, managable and expected. We were aware of the situation or circumstances and thus were not caught off guard. Truth brings positive changes and we are ready to meet them head on. We see what needs to be done and we deal with it effectively as best we can.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
The Devil
Hello people..sorry I havent' been blogging on a regular basis but I have been having computer issues.. Hopefully they are all resolved, so I am back to finish my blog on the major arcana...whoohoo!
Okay, the next card is
The Devil, and The Devil is a card of oppression, fears, and sometimes materialism.
It comes up to indicate times when we are feeling stuck in a role or situation that we feel there is no way out of. It's a feeling of being kept down and or controlled by another person or circumstances, however the chains that the devil binds us with are often not real. We can free ourselves as often times it's been our own selves who have freely given our power away. By entertaining thoughts of despair and feelings of being controlled by external forces we create our own bondage and powerlessness.
When it comes to materialism it can indicate that we are pre occupied with money and only interested in keeping up appearances. It can indicate a marriage or union based on money, and convenience.
The temptation may exist to manipulate people or circumstances for monetary gain.
The Devil is the inner force in man that allows us to fall prey to our fears, addictions and other self defeating impulses or habits.
Reversed-WE see freedom from harmful bonds. We have come to realise what is good for us and perhaps have released ourselves from a relationship that was unhealthy and based on control. One in which we gave up our power to another because we felt such a strong pull to that person. We no longer allow others to keep us down or have control over us.
Fears are released, selfishness is overcome and lessons concerning greed have been learned. We have given up any temptations to manipulate others.
Okay, the next card is
The Devil, and The Devil is a card of oppression, fears, and sometimes materialism.
It comes up to indicate times when we are feeling stuck in a role or situation that we feel there is no way out of. It's a feeling of being kept down and or controlled by another person or circumstances, however the chains that the devil binds us with are often not real. We can free ourselves as often times it's been our own selves who have freely given our power away. By entertaining thoughts of despair and feelings of being controlled by external forces we create our own bondage and powerlessness.
When it comes to materialism it can indicate that we are pre occupied with money and only interested in keeping up appearances. It can indicate a marriage or union based on money, and convenience.
The temptation may exist to manipulate people or circumstances for monetary gain.
The Devil is the inner force in man that allows us to fall prey to our fears, addictions and other self defeating impulses or habits.
Reversed-WE see freedom from harmful bonds. We have come to realise what is good for us and perhaps have released ourselves from a relationship that was unhealthy and based on control. One in which we gave up our power to another because we felt such a strong pull to that person. We no longer allow others to keep us down or have control over us.
Fears are released, selfishness is overcome and lessons concerning greed have been learned. We have given up any temptations to manipulate others.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Today's card is Temperance.
Temperance calls us to stabilize and adjust. It's time to seek balance and co-operation in a situation or circumstance. We are asked to meet others half way and behave agreeably in order to better handle circumstances. Temperance can also represent the perfect blending of two things that come together at just the right time, i.e. the right person for the job, partners well suited etc. Temperance suggests the need to re evaluate our circumstances and weigh up things. We need to get a balanced perspective on things before we can move forward. Our inner voice is there to gently guide us to our best outcomes if we simply listen. Temperance can represent a trial period in our lives where we are put to the test. Remain patient so that you can act when the timing is right. It's also represents a time in our lives where we are feeling spiritually balanced and grounded. Our mind and emotions are balanced and we can hear the voice of our subconscious.
Reversed- Our mind and emotions are out of balance. We find ourselves in circumstances that are testing our patience and an inability to handle a situation makes matters worse.
We are lacking compromise and perhaps we are over reacting. Again we are advised to step back and gain perspective of the situation. A compromise can bring things back into balance. Sometimes we need to be patient with ourselves as well. When we are out of balance we cannot hear the gentle inner voice that is urging us forward.
Temperance calls us to stabilize and adjust. It's time to seek balance and co-operation in a situation or circumstance. We are asked to meet others half way and behave agreeably in order to better handle circumstances. Temperance can also represent the perfect blending of two things that come together at just the right time, i.e. the right person for the job, partners well suited etc. Temperance suggests the need to re evaluate our circumstances and weigh up things. We need to get a balanced perspective on things before we can move forward. Our inner voice is there to gently guide us to our best outcomes if we simply listen. Temperance can represent a trial period in our lives where we are put to the test. Remain patient so that you can act when the timing is right. It's also represents a time in our lives where we are feeling spiritually balanced and grounded. Our mind and emotions are balanced and we can hear the voice of our subconscious.
Reversed- Our mind and emotions are out of balance. We find ourselves in circumstances that are testing our patience and an inability to handle a situation makes matters worse.
We are lacking compromise and perhaps we are over reacting. Again we are advised to step back and gain perspective of the situation. A compromise can bring things back into balance. Sometimes we need to be patient with ourselves as well. When we are out of balance we cannot hear the gentle inner voice that is urging us forward.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Death Card
The Death Card is a card of welcome change, transformation and new beginnings. We are letting go of old ways of thinking and being. Releasing ourselves from old emotional programming, thinking patterns and no longer clinging to that which does not serve our higher good. It can represent major change in a person's life where by something that no longer serves us is ending, so that something of much more value and importance for us can begin. This ending is necessary in order to bring you what you want. So when we see the Death card in a reading it is asking us to look at what unhealthy attachments we have and begin to release them so that we can make way for a more fulfilled way of life. The Death card is a much feared card in the deck as on first impression those unfamiliar with the Tarot believe it to represent physical death. This is not the case at all with the Death card. It is actually a most positive card indicating a welcome changes and fresh new beginning that will be most good for our personal growth.
Reversed- We have stagnation and change for the worse. Perhaps we are refusing to change and grow. By staying stuck in a rut we cannot affect change and thus bring new and better things into our lives and may even be making matters worse. Our lives or a situation or circumstance is at a standstill, but this will pass and eventually there will be movement forward.
Reversed- We have stagnation and change for the worse. Perhaps we are refusing to change and grow. By staying stuck in a rut we cannot affect change and thus bring new and better things into our lives and may even be making matters worse. Our lives or a situation or circumstance is at a standstill, but this will pass and eventually there will be movement forward.
Friday, October 8, 2010
The Hanged Man
Hello Hanged Man!
The Hanged Man is often times about waiting. Sometimes we find ourselve stuck in life without much happening or with very little movement forward. It's a feeling of being in limbo shall we say. In times like this it's important to take a look at why we are stuck? Are we holding onto something too tightly that is preventing us from gaining momentum? This could be any kind of block, such as fears, anxieties, lacking confidence in ourselves, or it could be that things are suspended because the timing isnt' right at the moment. Almost as if this period of waiting was being done to us. In order for us to move out of this, we may be required to give something up or change something that we really don't want to. The Hanged Man is asking us to look at things from another perspective in hopes that we will gain insight into what needs to be changed. It's asking us to take a look at our priorities in life and see just what might need to be re arranged or sacrificed in order for us to have what we want. By making some personal sacrifices and re arranging the normal order of what we think is important, we can open ourselves to something much better. Sometimes it's very difficult and painful to let go of that which is no longer serving us because it's become comfortable, however it can be that one thing that is blocking our progress. Often we know what it is but are unwilling to look at things from that other perspective.
The Hanged Man suggests a need for letting go on many levels. It could be something as simple as "letting go" of a need to control a situation or circumstance or it could be that we need to let go of bad habits that are holding us back.
Over all the Hanged Man is about changes in priorities and the way we do things, sacrifice and self sacrifice. Patience is very much needed. It's time to let go and let God!
Reversed-we see that we are unable to "let go" in a situation or circumstance. It could be that we are refusing to see any other view point other than our own. Our heels are dug in now, insisting on having things our own way prevents us from improving conditions.
We have "hang ups" that are holding us to a closed mind and we cannot see other vantage points. Our pride is holding us up. Things are not going according to plan and circumstances seem "upside down" at the moment. Sometimes we feel like we are barely holding on.
The Hanged Man is often times about waiting. Sometimes we find ourselve stuck in life without much happening or with very little movement forward. It's a feeling of being in limbo shall we say. In times like this it's important to take a look at why we are stuck? Are we holding onto something too tightly that is preventing us from gaining momentum? This could be any kind of block, such as fears, anxieties, lacking confidence in ourselves, or it could be that things are suspended because the timing isnt' right at the moment. Almost as if this period of waiting was being done to us. In order for us to move out of this, we may be required to give something up or change something that we really don't want to. The Hanged Man is asking us to look at things from another perspective in hopes that we will gain insight into what needs to be changed. It's asking us to take a look at our priorities in life and see just what might need to be re arranged or sacrificed in order for us to have what we want. By making some personal sacrifices and re arranging the normal order of what we think is important, we can open ourselves to something much better. Sometimes it's very difficult and painful to let go of that which is no longer serving us because it's become comfortable, however it can be that one thing that is blocking our progress. Often we know what it is but are unwilling to look at things from that other perspective.
The Hanged Man suggests a need for letting go on many levels. It could be something as simple as "letting go" of a need to control a situation or circumstance or it could be that we need to let go of bad habits that are holding us back.
Over all the Hanged Man is about changes in priorities and the way we do things, sacrifice and self sacrifice. Patience is very much needed. It's time to let go and let God!
Reversed-we see that we are unable to "let go" in a situation or circumstance. It could be that we are refusing to see any other view point other than our own. Our heels are dug in now, insisting on having things our own way prevents us from improving conditions.
We have "hang ups" that are holding us to a closed mind and we cannot see other vantage points. Our pride is holding us up. Things are not going according to plan and circumstances seem "upside down" at the moment. Sometimes we feel like we are barely holding on.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Good morning..It's the Justice card for today.
Justice is speaking about fairness, karma, cause and effect, balance etc. It's a card about getting what we deserve in life. We reap what we sow in other words. Sometimes this card comes up to talk about legal matters, courtcases and contracts, financial arrangements in the case of seperation or divorce etc. That kinda thing. So in these cases when the card appears upright it's likely that we can expect fair outcomes and winning decisions in legal matters. Things appear they will sway our way and we will be pleased. However we may be about to pay the price for our previous actions and thus there is a lesson to be learned from the Justice card. The scales of Justice will serve up what is just and fair and once again balance is restored. We should be concerned with doing the right thing when this card surfaces and seek balance and fairness in our dealings with people and within situations. It tells us to seek balance in all aspects of our lives, between work and play and family life. As a person it can represent someone who has good morals, plays fair.
It reminds us in any situation that if we all play fair we can expect good outcomes.
Reversed-- We see Imbalance and unfairness.
We are experiencing unfair treatment and we do not get what we rightfully deserve.
In a reading that concerns legal matters things do not go our way and it's not advisable to persist as outcomes are likely to still prove unfavourable.
Our rights have been violated and or taken away from us.
We are not achieving balance in our day to day lives....and there may be not give in take when it comes to relationships.
Justice is speaking about fairness, karma, cause and effect, balance etc. It's a card about getting what we deserve in life. We reap what we sow in other words. Sometimes this card comes up to talk about legal matters, courtcases and contracts, financial arrangements in the case of seperation or divorce etc. That kinda thing. So in these cases when the card appears upright it's likely that we can expect fair outcomes and winning decisions in legal matters. Things appear they will sway our way and we will be pleased. However we may be about to pay the price for our previous actions and thus there is a lesson to be learned from the Justice card. The scales of Justice will serve up what is just and fair and once again balance is restored. We should be concerned with doing the right thing when this card surfaces and seek balance and fairness in our dealings with people and within situations. It tells us to seek balance in all aspects of our lives, between work and play and family life. As a person it can represent someone who has good morals, plays fair.
It reminds us in any situation that if we all play fair we can expect good outcomes.
Reversed-- We see Imbalance and unfairness.
We are experiencing unfair treatment and we do not get what we rightfully deserve.
In a reading that concerns legal matters things do not go our way and it's not advisable to persist as outcomes are likely to still prove unfavourable.
Our rights have been violated and or taken away from us.
We are not achieving balance in our day to day lives....and there may be not give in take when it comes to relationships.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune speaks to me of a turning point in ones life where new possibilities become available.
As the wheel turns there will be ups and downs in life. The down times can help us appreciate more fully when things are going well for us.
This card represents favourable opportunities and rewards. A time for expansion and growth, possibly in a new direction and the probablities of success are promising.
It tells us that we must prepare ourselves ahead to take on this new challenge. Lay the groundwork for success. The hands of fate are involved but be careful not to become too complacent and make the most of opportunities even when it might involve some risk.
The Wheel reminds us that when things are down that it's only a matter of time before we are back on top again but we need not stand still. We can keep the wheel moving by taking action to improve things when the going is tough.
But overall it's a pretty promising cards that tells us to seize opportunities when they present themselves for they may not be on offer for long. Expect the unexpected!
Reversed- We see delays and hindrances and re curring problems.
Something may resurface to be dealth with again and again. We may be in a pattern of repeating prior mistakes. We see little progress and feel like we keep hitting a wall.
We fail to see opportunities and thus miss our chance to improve circumstances.
We are not prepared in the face of lifes ups and downs and things take a turn for the worst. It's possible that we are suffering from bad decisions now, however once again the wheel is forever turning and there is always a point at which the wheel begins to turn upward again. We are experiencing some bad luck but it too will run it's course.
As the wheel turns there will be ups and downs in life. The down times can help us appreciate more fully when things are going well for us.
This card represents favourable opportunities and rewards. A time for expansion and growth, possibly in a new direction and the probablities of success are promising.
It tells us that we must prepare ourselves ahead to take on this new challenge. Lay the groundwork for success. The hands of fate are involved but be careful not to become too complacent and make the most of opportunities even when it might involve some risk.
The Wheel reminds us that when things are down that it's only a matter of time before we are back on top again but we need not stand still. We can keep the wheel moving by taking action to improve things when the going is tough.
But overall it's a pretty promising cards that tells us to seize opportunities when they present themselves for they may not be on offer for long. Expect the unexpected!
Reversed- We see delays and hindrances and re curring problems.
Something may resurface to be dealth with again and again. We may be in a pattern of repeating prior mistakes. We see little progress and feel like we keep hitting a wall.
We fail to see opportunities and thus miss our chance to improve circumstances.
We are not prepared in the face of lifes ups and downs and things take a turn for the worst. It's possible that we are suffering from bad decisions now, however once again the wheel is forever turning and there is always a point at which the wheel begins to turn upward again. We are experiencing some bad luck but it too will run it's course.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The Hermit
Hello....Todays card is The Hermit.
And The Hermit is about guidance, inner guidance and wise council from others perhaps.
It can represent the sitter to indicate that they have reached a level of spiritual maturity and they have come to trust their own inner guidance and thus are confident and wise in their own decision making process. When we see this card in a reading it suggests that we should look within and trust our inner judgement about a matter, or if we are seeking advice from a reliable professional about something then we should heed their council or at the very least weigh it strongly against what our own inner guidance is and if it resonates within us then it would seem wise to take that advice and apply it in what ever situation we may find ourselves.
This represents a wise person,who has worked hard on their spiritual life and now his wisdom can be shared with others.
It may be indicating too that we need to spend some time in solitude and begin to attune ourselves inwardly to more spiritual matters. Only when we get quiet and look within do we see truth, so I see this also as a need for meditation or time already being spent in meditation.
Reversed-It indicates that we are not listening to our own inner voice or the wise advice of others. WE fail to trust ourselves and our ability to make decisions. We refuse to see truth and accept what is. Because we fail to trust and accept our own inner guidance we end up with regrets later. We are not spending enough time tending to our spiritual nature and are out of touch with our higher self.
And The Hermit is about guidance, inner guidance and wise council from others perhaps.
It can represent the sitter to indicate that they have reached a level of spiritual maturity and they have come to trust their own inner guidance and thus are confident and wise in their own decision making process. When we see this card in a reading it suggests that we should look within and trust our inner judgement about a matter, or if we are seeking advice from a reliable professional about something then we should heed their council or at the very least weigh it strongly against what our own inner guidance is and if it resonates within us then it would seem wise to take that advice and apply it in what ever situation we may find ourselves.
This represents a wise person,who has worked hard on their spiritual life and now his wisdom can be shared with others.
It may be indicating too that we need to spend some time in solitude and begin to attune ourselves inwardly to more spiritual matters. Only when we get quiet and look within do we see truth, so I see this also as a need for meditation or time already being spent in meditation.
Reversed-It indicates that we are not listening to our own inner voice or the wise advice of others. WE fail to trust ourselves and our ability to make decisions. We refuse to see truth and accept what is. Because we fail to trust and accept our own inner guidance we end up with regrets later. We are not spending enough time tending to our spiritual nature and are out of touch with our higher self.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Moving on to the Strength Card.
Strength is about Self understanding, Patience and Self love. I see this a card that speaks to us about being patient with in a situation or perhaps it's asking us to be patient with ourselves. If it's within a situation involving another, then it's asking us to apply patience and understanding and react kindly in the face of problems. Strength asks us to analyse and shed light to fears and complexities,in order to bring them under control. It's important to understand why we do the things we do in order to bring about change. I see this card as about controlling anger as well. Perhaps we have a tendancy to react too swiftly sometimes with our words, when it would be best to keep quiet? It takes a great deal of strength and self control to be able to refrain from losing it in certain So we may be experiencing a period of growth that will lead us to a healthy self respect and self acceptance. By controling our emotions and shedding light on our fears and understanding the root causes of anxieties and behaviours can certainly lead to us feeling much better about who we are.
In Reverse- We do not understand ourselves or what pushes us to do the things we do. We have selfish tendancies and at the core lack self acceptance and self love.
Our fears and anxieties may be out of control.
We may be using pushy tactics and trying to force a situation. There are misunderstandings around a circumstance whether deliberate or otherwise.
Fighting and hatefulness are manifestations of someone who does not like themselves and destroys relationships.
Dangerous psychological problems.
Strength is about Self understanding, Patience and Self love. I see this a card that speaks to us about being patient with in a situation or perhaps it's asking us to be patient with ourselves. If it's within a situation involving another, then it's asking us to apply patience and understanding and react kindly in the face of problems. Strength asks us to analyse and shed light to fears and complexities,in order to bring them under control. It's important to understand why we do the things we do in order to bring about change. I see this card as about controlling anger as well. Perhaps we have a tendancy to react too swiftly sometimes with our words, when it would be best to keep quiet? It takes a great deal of strength and self control to be able to refrain from losing it in certain So we may be experiencing a period of growth that will lead us to a healthy self respect and self acceptance. By controling our emotions and shedding light on our fears and understanding the root causes of anxieties and behaviours can certainly lead to us feeling much better about who we are.
In Reverse- We do not understand ourselves or what pushes us to do the things we do. We have selfish tendancies and at the core lack self acceptance and self love.
Our fears and anxieties may be out of control.
We may be using pushy tactics and trying to force a situation. There are misunderstandings around a circumstance whether deliberate or otherwise.
Fighting and hatefulness are manifestations of someone who does not like themselves and destroys relationships.
Dangerous psychological problems.
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