Monday, November 8, 2010

The Moon

The Moon is a card of confusion, dishonesty and illusion and imagination. It can represent dishonesty either from oneself or from others. We may be choosing not to acknowledge deeper feelings and thoughts preferring to live in a world of our own imagination. What we are seeing in situations within and around our lives is an illusion and is not based in deeper truth. We must guard against accepting the illusion as truth. It's time to look into the depths of our souls and shed light onto dark memories and/or anxieties, bringing them out into the light where they can be exposed and released. At first these inner discoveries may cause confusion but once they are brought to the surface where we can face them head on they will no longer hold power over us or affect our life at a subconscious level. It's also possible that someone around us is decieving us purposely and uncovering these hidden facts may be unpleasant and bring on further confusion. So expect the unexpected as it seems some new information is yet to be exposed and it's bound to bring on disruption. So The Moon represents the unforseen and deception, it's also a psychic card telling us to pay attention to any dreams or intuitive feelings we may be having as they might hold important information for us at the time or we may simply developing some latent psychic abilities ourselves. So overall be sure your not kidding yourself about a situation or circumstance, things may not be what they appear to be on the surface. Important decisions may be at hand...DO NOT hurry but proceed with caution and awareness.

Reversed- we see deceptions have been discovered. Confusion and self deception lift,we have taken the journey deep within to where our anxieties and fears hold up,having brought these repressed feelings up to the surface and into our awareness..they will not trip us up moving forward. Any unexpected changes from the upright position are now expected changes requiring little adjustment.

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