The Death Card is a card of welcome change, transformation and new beginnings. We are letting go of old ways of thinking and being. Releasing ourselves from old emotional programming, thinking patterns and no longer clinging to that which does not serve our higher good. It can represent major change in a person's life where by something that no longer serves us is ending, so that something of much more value and importance for us can begin. This ending is necessary in order to bring you what you want. So when we see the Death card in a reading it is asking us to look at what unhealthy attachments we have and begin to release them so that we can make way for a more fulfilled way of life. The Death card is a much feared card in the deck as on first impression those unfamiliar with the Tarot believe it to represent physical death. This is not the case at all with the Death card. It is actually a most positive card indicating a welcome changes and fresh new beginning that will be most good for our personal growth.
Reversed- We have stagnation and change for the worse. Perhaps we are refusing to change and grow. By staying stuck in a rut we cannot affect change and thus bring new and better things into our lives and may even be making matters worse. Our lives or a situation or circumstance is at a standstill, but this will pass and eventually there will be movement forward.
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